5 Things Seniors Need to Know About Dentures

Are you missing teeth? You are not alone – 120 million people in the United States are missing at least one tooth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists, and more than 36 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. The number of older adults with missing teeth is even higher: about 23 million seniors are completely edentulous (missing all their teeth) and about 12 million are missing all their teeth on either their upper jaw or their lower arch. 

Experts think that the number of Americans who are missing some teeth will rise to 200 million over the next 15 years, as the population grows and as people live longer. This means more people will be choosing dentures to replace their missing teeth.

About 90 percent of edentulous people have dentures. The remainder have dental implants or dental bridges, or they simply go without teeth. 

It is important to replace missing teeth. Missing teeth can ruin your smile, but it can also cause health and wellness problems. Losing teeth can cause trouble eating fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods, for example, and this can lead to poor nutrition. Having one or more missing teeth can also cause you to lose even more teeth or to have further dental problems in the future. 

5 Things to Know about Dentures for Seniors

  1. Dentures are a quick solution, but they are not a permanent solution

If you don’t need to have teeth removed or undergo other dental procedures, you can have your dentures in just a few weeks. You might be surprised to learn that dentures are not a permanent solution, in that you’ll need to replace them every few years. Taking good care of your dentures can help extend their lifespan. 

  1. Dentures do not protect bone mass in your jaw

While dentures can replace your missing teeth to restore your smile and make it easier to eat, they can contribute to the loss of bone density in your jaw, which means your jawbone can deteriorate. Loss of bone density can change the shape of your face – it can even lead to the loss of more teeth.

Biting and chewing food puts pressure on your teeth. This pressure transfers down the tooth, into the root, and into the jawbone that holds your teeth in place. The pressure triggers bone remodeling, a natural process in which the bone breaks down and rebuilds itself stronger and better than before. Bone remodeling can only happen when the bone receives stimulation from the teeth – dentures do not stimulate remodeling, and can therefore lead to the loss of bone strength in your jaw. 

  1. Implant-supported dentures replace missing teeth – and do so much more

Implant-supported dentures are revolutionizing tooth replacement. Dentures can slip and slide out of place when you speak, laugh, or eat – your dentures can even fall completely out. How embarrassing! Implant-supported dentures can change all that.

Dental implants are metal posts that your dentist surgically places in your jaw. Over time, the bone in your jaw melds with the metal post to create a sturdy anchor. Your dentures snap securely onto this post, which holds your denture firmly in place.

Implant-supported dentures look, feel, and function like your natural teeth, but they do much more than that. Because the implant post is embedded in your jaw, it transfers pressure down the tooth root and into your jawbone to trigger bone remodeling. This means implant-supported dentures can help protect your jawbone and help maintain the shape of your face.

  1. Dentures cost less than you might think

According to GoodRx, a set of upper and lower dentures typically costs between $1,000 and $2,800.  Some dental insurance policies may cover part of dentures cost. 

 A number of factors can influence the cost of your dentures. These factors include:

  • Size – partial dentures, which replace just a few teeth, are less expensive than are full dentures that replace all the teeth on your upper or lower jaw
  • Material – the cost of your dentures may depend on the quality of materials used; your dentures may be made from highly affordable and lightweight acrylic resin or more expensive, heavier porcelain
  • Implants – opting for implant-supported dentures increases the initial cost of teeth replacement, but are less expensive in the long run because they are a permanent solution to missing teeth, whereas conventional dentures need replacement every 7 to 10 years
  • The need for other dental work – your dentures may cost more if you need to have teeth removed, for example
  1. Our Fairhope AL dentist provides high quality dentures sure to make you smile

Finding a dentist that can create beautiful dentures that look like natural teeth can be challenging. After all, creating dentures requires training, experience, and skills. You’ll be glad to know that our dentist in Fairhope AL can make dentures that fit and function just like your real teeth – only better.

For more information about dentures for seniors, consult with Lagniappe Dental. We can help you decide if dentures are right for you.


Call 251-517-3313 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.